Tuesday, December 12, 2006


We entered the theatre about 9 am today! I was happy to have Daddy and Mommy with me in theatre. I cried a bit, but the gas mask was the last thing I can remember.

Today's operation took much longer than planned. Instead of 6 hours it took more than 8 hours to operate on my hand and do micro-surgery. The doctors are very clever and are taking flaps from my shoulder area to build my left hand up again. The opp was very successful today. It was a big day for me. I have to keep my hand still for the next 12 hours, that is the reason why I am fast asleep right now and still on morfeen. Mommy and Daddy will be here early tomorrow morning to be with me. I am now in ICU and stable.

Below is a foto of my left arm.

If you are a sensitive person, please don't look.

Mommy and Granny and rest of my heroes have been doing an excellent job (daily) to keep my arm clean!

It is starting to look better by the day. The doctors are very happy with my progress.

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