Thursday, November 09, 2006


This is me, Ryan with my mommy, Ann.
I love her.
My dad, Shane, is my Champion!

I love my sister, Claire too.

I am at home!!

Thank you very much doctors and nurses and to all of you for all your precious prayers.

Your prayers are the real reason why I am still alive.

I turned 3 on 7 Nov 2006, but celebrated my birthday in ICU, I slept a lot that day.

For those of you who don't know me, here is a quick summary about me.

I am a very energetic boy, a lot like mommy and daddy, always on the run....!

When I play, I play hard, but when I sleep, I sleep like a rock. Must be my daddy's genes.

Read on! Here is an update on my progress!


It is a very hot Saturday afternoon, we are having lots of fun here on the game farm, nearby Ellisras. I woke up early this morning, but feeling tired now..almost time for my afternoon nap. Great!!! Mommy and Daddy are coming to nap with me. It is 14h00.

14:20 Sh..Shh.. I am dreaming about my cars and aeroplanes. Suddenly I feel a very,very big eina. I scream because my hand is burning and very red. Mommy and Daddy are in a state of shock as they see a Spitting Cobra on me. The snake is spitting at Daddy and then leaves the room. Daddy chases the snake, he has to identify it properly...

Mommy has pulled me into her arms and runs with me. She is a very fast runner. Daddy has started the car already, we rush to find the nearest doctor. I don't feel good, but being with Mommy and Daddy, I know I am perfectly safe.

16:00 We arrive at the local hospital in Ellisras.

My hand and arm are swollen - as big as a brick now.

My body is not feeling well, head is hot and sore and I struggle to breathe. My heartrate and bloodpressure is not normal. The doctor is worried, but gives me some funny things, I see lots of pipes and needles too. Mommy and Daddy are waiting with me for the Paramedics and their Helicopter. They are flying in from Pretoria.

We waited for a very long time. Mommy and Daddy are the whole time by my side. There is a big storm in the sky and they have trouble landing the helicopter.

20:01 We lift off. I am alone with good paramedics, no space for Mommy or Daddy in heli. I know Granny Pat is waiting for me at the hospital in Pretoria. Mommy and Daddy drive back to the camp. Uncle Matt an Maria and kids are waiting for them at the camp. Mommy and Daddy have to fetch Claire and pack. They still have to drive back to me.

After midnight Mommy and Daddy arrive in Pretoria, meet Granny Pat and doctors. Doctors say I am critical, they have to be strong for these first hours are terrible ones.

DAY 1: 5 Nov -Deep in the woods. Specialist arrives from Cape Town.

DAY 2: 6 Nov - Not out of the woods yet. I saw very bright lights today, in a theatre room.

DAY 3: 7 Nov - It's my BIRTHDAY!!! Not out of the woods yet. Doctors and Phycologist told Mommy and Daddy to switch off their cellphones. They are very sad today. I saw Rev David Buwaldo today, so happy he came to pray for me.

I think I saw those bright lights again ..73 hours have passed, I saw Daddy sent a mobile message, he is so happy that I am getting better! I smiled at Mommy today..and gave Daddy baby-fives.

DAY 4: 8 Nov

I am feeling so much better. I held a little car for the first time. The days are long and I can't wait to play with all my cars at home again.

DAY 5: 9 Nov

I am still in ICU, building up strenght for my opp tomorrow.

DAY 6: 10 Nov.

I saw those bright lights again today. The doctors did not have a choice and had to remove those 2 fingers, where a snake bit me. Everybody is very sad. I am not feeling well today.

DAY 7: 11 Nov

Not too well today.

DAY 8: 12 Nov

Feeling better today.

DAY 9: 13 Nov

VERY WELL today! They took the Ventilator away! I struggled a bit, for 2 hours, but then I breathed normally.

DAY 10: 14 Nov

A big thing happened this morning..they removed the cathetar..YIPPIE!!!

I heard the doctor tell mommy and daddy that they have a plan. The plan is to introduce me to soft solids. I think that means LEKKER PORRIDGE! Can't wait any longer.

DAY 11: 15 Nov

It was very sore today, had PHYSIO on my sore arm. I am exhausted. I also tried to walk today , but could only take a few steps as my legs are weak and shakey, but otherwise I am getting stronger by the day.

DAY 12: 16 Nov

Yum..Yum! I ate a whole bowl of Matabela porridge, while sitting in a chair next to my bed, like lord muck. I am still in ICU but if everything goes well after tomorrow's opp, maybe I can move on to the General ward and meet new friends.

I am feeling so well today. Nurse told me my blood pressure and heart rate is great! I am going into theatre @ 15h00 to clean and re-dress my arm. They are still monitoring my kidneys and liver because my stomach is very swolen. I am still in this ICU place but stabilising well. Thank you for all your prayers. The doctors have to see if my arm is ready for first skin graft and they are checking my thumb bone. They might have to remove more of my thumb bone. Please pray for me.

Once again, I cannot thank you enough for all your prayers and well wishes.

Day 13: 17 Nov

I will see those bright lights again today. The doctors need to look at my skin and maybe have to do a skin flap (attach my hand to my stomach in order for skin to grow). They are also starting with skincrafts, taking skin from my innerlegs to my arm. I think it is going to be very EINA.

Mommy's email after theatre: "Absolute miracle! Both surgeons amazed how well Ryan's arm had granulated. Thank Y God. Ryan did not have to have the skin flap today, surgeons said they will do in January as Ryan has been through so much and they need him to get strong again. Sitting with Ryan , he just drank some coke and ate 3 choc biscuits. Good night, speak to you all again in the morning. Love from us all.xxxx PS. Ryan could be discharged Monday 20/11!!!!"

Thanks for your prayers, as you can see I am on the way back home!

Day 14: 18 Nov

Since yesterday, I have lots of pain, but the sister is giving me medicine every three hours. Mommy came very early this morning, the sister told her that my legs, where they took skin from yesterday, will be more sensitive than the skincraft on my arm. I am doing well, considering all the above. I gave mommy a huge smile this morning! She is very happy with me. Daddy too!

Day 15: 19 Nov

I am so happy, because I am on my way home!! YIPPEE!!